Does a natural burial cost more than cremation?

Do you know how much a cremation or a natural burial costs?

blush pink slide reads 'PRICE COMPARISON: natural burial versus cremation' and has a blue graphic of a plant and a red graphic of a flame

Someone asked us last week about the price difference between cremations and natural burials.

It's not always easy to provide like-for-like price comparisons as there are many variables affecting pricing, but we've had a bit of a go.

We've compared cremation and natural burial prices for the northeast of England based on information on the providers' websites in March 2024.

We've compared prices based on the cremation or burial of one average size adult (annoyingly, larger bodies sometimes incur extra fees).

So cremation is at least £300 cheaper but doesn't have any of the ecological benefits of natural burial.

Seven Penny Meadow burial ground is unusual because it is owned by funeral directors 'Go As You Please', so their price includes extra things like a cardboard coffin, the collection, care & transport of the dead person.

None of the prices here include the costs of the ceremony, flowers, catering, memorial markers, etc.

We were quite surprised at the difference in price between natural burials at different burial grounds.

For extra information, a conventional cemetery burial in Sunderland costs £1269.

What are your reactions to these prices?

Does this info raise any questions for you?


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